How can we revamp New York public school's like P.S.136 and make the children remember who the schools are named after?

Responsibilities: Creative Director| Designer|

My Team: Me | The lovely teachers and faciality of P.S.136 Roy Wilkins

Tools: Photoshop | Illustrator| AfterEffects | Indesign

background 📖

"Integration must move"

Roy Wilkins was a prominent activist in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States from the 1930s to the 1970s.

Because of his efforts minority children were allowed to attend public schools

the problem

School is bland

Public schools continue to house children in industrial-style building that mirrors prisons. Art is being phased out and students are graduating not knowing who Roy Wilkins is.


Sprinkle a little bit of sugar

Create a new identity that can be integrated into any public school system, while being versatile for campaigns. incorporate art tools throughout the building and allow the children to express themselves as they please. Introduce a magazine that highlights children's achievements and holds a contest using Roy Wilkins for children to learn more about him.

research 💬

I came up with the following conclusions

Its all about the budget and because of that art and music programs are being cut.

Children are graduating the school without any knowledge of who Roy Wilkins is and what he's done.

School still resemble industrial style building and looks like a place where creativity comes to die.

Brand Strategy🧑🧑

P.S.136 Mission Statement

Our philosophy is to nurture our students to become outstanding versions of themselves. We encourage students to learn who they are and understand the history that helped shape their identity. We believe in creating a collaborative environment between students, teachers and parents to encourage a natural sense of belonging to a well rounded community. Like who our school is named after we believe that equality in education is what leads our students to a better and brighter future.

The clock will not be turned back.”
-Roy Wilkins

Branding System💎

Display Type


1234567890 !@#$%^&*( )

Body Type

Open San

1234567890 !@#$%^&*( )


HEX: #FE391F
CMYK: 0, 78, 88, 0
RGB: 249 56 34
LAB: 57 73 62

CMYK:55, 29, 0, 11
RGB: 108 172 228
LAB: 67 -9 -36

HEX: #F4DA40
CMYK:0, 9, 78, 5
RGB: 244 218 64
LAB: 88 -174


Outcomes + Reflection + Next Steps 🧠

What did I learn?

Add more icons because the logo feels a bit lonely. Over-all my favorite thing about this project was figuring out ways to include art and get the children interested in learning Roy Wilkins